State Minimum
The Minimum Required
The Minimum Required
This package teaches the very basics the State requires for a teen to get their license. While we provide the best State Minimum course in Texas, keep in mind an additional 30 hours on in-car driver training must be completed and documented before you will be eligible for your license.
The SafeWay State Minimum Includes:
When you enroll in the SafeWay Minimum package your teen will receive 7 Hours of driving which means you still have to complete the full 30 additional State required hours. While we offer the best State Minimum driving program in Texas, there is a big difference between just getting your license and learning how to drive.
State Minimum License Requirement
Does not meet National Standards
24 Hour Online Course
Online Permit Test
7 Hours Driving/7 Hours Observation
24/7/365 Online Scheduling